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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Fever Week

     I caught a cold on Monday. Precisely speaking, it was acute purulent tonsillitis. I woke up that day with a strange dream, in which I returned to the military service and had to follow the rigid  and outmoded rules in the army. Now I realize that's the first sign of my unlucky week of illness. After arriving at the hospital to work, I felt like the air-conditioner cooled the space too much. Furthermore, I began to suffer from headache in the afternoon. I checked my body temperature: 38.8℃, bingo! I examined my throat in front of a mirror (I am a master of that), and I could see my tonsils swelling with some white plaques on them. Obviously, I got acute purulent tonsillitis again. The same situation happened last month the day before I took the TOEFL test. However, it became worse this time. From Monday to Friday, fever with chills, sore throat, and abdominal discomfort bothered me in turn. As a doctor, it's hard to ask a day off. I was merely able to took some medication including antibiotics to treat myself. The whole week was terrible because of the illness except the weekend, when I finally recovered. I went to a movie with my cousins, "Harry Potter: the Deathly Hallows Part 2." I'm no longer a fan of Harry Potter now, but the audiovisual effects of the movie are bewitched. What's even better, we went to the movie for free. Thus, there is nothing to complain.

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